Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bringing in the New Year with...Desktop Verses

So I have been thinking for a little while now (18 days to be exact) as to how I was going to start out the new year on my blog.  I started the whole blogging thing as a way to post some of my photos so that others could see them, but also as an encouragement for me to be continually shooting.

However, as I continued posting, I noticed that I kept going to the stats page of my blog only to feel the glory of how many people were looking at my photos.  Basically what I am saying is blogging turned into yet another way in my life for me to be prideful.  By no means am I saying that I was outwardly saying that my blog was my way to be arrogant about how many people were looking at my blog, or how good the pictures were that I posted, but inwardly I was getting so much satisfaction out of it.

At the winter conference for Campus Crusade, I learned a lot of things, but my inward pride was one thing that I was completely convicted about.  On the outside, I try my hardest to never show my pride, but that does not mean that it is not there.

The part that I struggled with the most is that I really do want others to be able to enjoy the photos that I take because it is a visual representation of how incredible God is.  Taking pictures for me can even be a way of worshipping my creator!

So what I have come up with I am calling Desktop Verses.  I am going to be writing scripture on the photos that I upload to my blog so that anyone who looks at my blog can save my pictures to their computers and put them as their desktop background and every time they open up their computer, they will be memorizing verses simply by seeing them so many times.

I am going to be doing the same thing on my computer in an effort to help me memorize God's word as well.  I hope that this can help my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in ways that I will never even know about.

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